- Chattanooga 3D is:
- Our goal
- To bring Chattanooga to life in Google Earth for everyone to enjoy. Architecture, attractions, businesses, streets, greenways, parks, art... whatever you want. It can be done.
- Our progress
- ...is starting to look pretty good! Click here for more.
- Who we are:
- Who benefits:
- Humans: want to look around a place in 3D? It's fun.
- Planners (city, industry...)
- Industry: an auto companylooking to build a plant
- Local business, parks or other attractions who wants another (free) way to get their name on a map
- The Arts community (to see art installations highlighted, for example)
- Tourists: see where you're going
- Tourism
- Many others...
- Who else? Let us know who you think might benefit from this.
- Media Coverage
- Read the Press Release
- Questions?