- First, SIGN UP here.
- How to help
- Take Some Pictures
- Choose a structure or neighborhood you want to see in 3D. Make sure it hasn't been photographed already (see list here).
- Take photos of structures (businesses, houses, water towers, outhouses, plaster-of-paris dinosaurs at the goofy golf, etc)
- Photos should be as straight-on as possible (no need to get too artsy) and to include all edges of the structure.
- Some examples of public galleries can be found at the Chattanooga 3D Picasa Gallery.
- Upload those photos to an online album (at Picasaweb, Flickr, etc) and email a link to photos@chattanooga3d.com. Or email photos directly.
- Please indicate what the photos are of (name of structure, address, which blocks, or which neighborhood...)
- Sketchup Modeling (not as hard as it sounds)
- Choose a structure or neighborhood you want to see in 3D. Make sure it hasn't been 3D-modeled already (see list).
- Create Google Sketchup models of those structures. Click here to download and learn about Google Sketchup.
- Email your models to sketchup@chattanooga3d.com.
- Please indicate what the models are of (name of structure, address, which blocks, or which neighborhood...)
- CAD Modeling
- Are you an architect or firm with some local CAD files? Please send to cad@chattanooga3d.com. They can be "simplified"-- we don't need to know where the plumbing or electrical is, for example.
- Other Ways to Help
- Think of another way to help? Sign up here to help, or contact us at heretohelp@chattanooga3d.com
- NOTE: if you want your building modeled but you need someone else to do it, contact us at needhelp@chattanooga3d.com